作曲 | 黃自(1937年) |
作詞 | 戴季陶 |
地區 | ![]() ![]() |
風格 | 國歌 |
樂器 | 小提琴、聲樂 |
調性 | C大調 |
節拍 | 4/4 |
下載次數 | 40928 |
授權 | ![]() |
格式 | 下載 | 大小 |
png | 中華民國國旗歌歌譜.png | 116.71 KiB |
midi | 中華民國國旗歌歌譜.mid | 4.78 KiB |
txt | 中華民國國旗歌歌譜.txt | 1.69 KiB |
中華民國國旗歌 Traditional Chinese 山川壯麗、物產豐隆;炎黃世冑,東亞稱雄。 毋自暴自棄、毋故步自封,光我民族,促進大同。 創業維艱,緬懷諸先烈;守成不易,莫徒務近功。 同心同德,貫徹始終,青天白日滿地紅。 同心同德,貫徹始終,青天白日滿地紅! Simplified Chinese 山川壮丽、物产丰隆;炎黄世胄,东亚称雄。 毋自暴自弃、毋故步自封,光我民族,促进大同。 创业维艰,缅怀诸先烈;守成不易,莫徒务近功。 同心同德,贯彻始终,青天白日满地红。 同心同德,贯彻始终,青天白日满地红! Hanyu Pinyin Shānchuān zhuànglì, wùchǎn fēng lóng; yánhuáng shì zhòu, dōngyà chēngxióng. Wú zìbàozìqì, wú gùbùzìfēng, guāng wǒ mínzú, cùjìn dàtóng. Chuàngyè wéi jiān, miǎnhuái zhū xiānliè; shǒuchéng bùyì, mò tú wù jìn gōng. Tóngxīn tóng dé, guànchè shǐzhōng, qīngtiānbáirì mǎn dì hóng. Tóngxīn tóng dé, guànchè shǐzhōng, qīngtiānbáirì mǎn dì hóng! English Magnificent mountains and rivers, (with) bountiful and diverse goods; Descendants of Yan and Huang, to be the heroes of East Asia. Never abandon in desperation, nor being complacent with achievement, Glorify our nation and work promoting Great Unity. Pioneering work was full of hardships and (we should) commemorate those founders and martyrs, Maintaining (their heritage) is not easy and never seek only for instant benefit. With one heart and one soul, carrying (these virtues) from beginning to end, Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth! Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Flag_Anthem