Our Pilgrim Fathers − Breizh Partitions
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Breizh Partitions

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Breizh Partitions

Our Pilgrim Fathers

Our Pilgrim Fathers is a "song" sheet music from United States for the Vocals. The composer of this score is unknown. The lyrics of this sheet music were written by James Pierpont.

Composer Unknown
Author James Pierpont
Origin AmericasAmericas > United StatesUnited States
Kind Song
Instruments 3 voices
Key signature F majeur
Rythm 4/4
Downloaded 9392
License Creative Commons BY-NC Creative Commons BY-NC


You can download this free sheet music for the Vocals below:

Format Download Weight
LilyPond Our_Pilgrim_Fathers.ly  5.35 KiB
pdf Our_Pilgrim_Fathers.pdf  131.86 KiB
midi Our_Pilgrim_Fathers.mid  1.86 KiB
txt Our_Pilgrim_Fathers.txt  1.49 KiB


Our Pilgrim Fathers - 1 Our Pilgrim Fathers - 2
Our Pilgrim Fathers—where are they?
The waves that brought them o'er,
Still roll in the bay, and throw their spray
As they break along the shore;
Still roll in the bay, as they rolled that day,
When the Mayflower moored below;
When the sea around was black with storms,
And white the shore with snow.

The mists that wrapped the Pilgrim's sleep,
Still brood upon the tide;
And his rocks yet keep their watch by the deep,
To stay its waves of pride.
But the snow-white sail, that she gave to the gale
When the heavens looked dark, is gone;
As an angel's wing, through an opening cloud,
Is seen, and then withdrawn.

The Pilgrim exile—sainted name!
The hill, whose icy brow
Rejoiced when he came in the morning's flame,
In the morning's flame burns now.
And the moon's cold light, as it lay that night,
On the hill-side and the sea,
Still lies where he laid his houseless head;
But the Pilgrim—where is he?

The Pilgrim Fathers are at rest;
When Summer's throned on high,
And the world's warm breast is in verdure dressed,
Go, stand on the hill where they lie.
The earliest ray of the golden day,
On that hallowed spot is cast;
And the evening sun as he leaves the world,
Looks kindly on that spot last.

The Pilgrim spirit has not fled—
It walks in noon's broad light;
And it watches the bed of the glorious dead,
With the holy stars, by night.
It watches the bed of the brave who have bled,
And shall guard this ice-bound shore,
Till the waves of the bay, where the Mayflower lay,
Shall foam and freeze no more. 

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