An hini a garan − Breizh Partitions
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Breizh Partitions

Free Celtic sheet music

Breizh Partitions

An hini a garan

An hini a garan is an "air" sheet music from Country of Vannes for the violin and Vocals. This music is traditional. The lyrics of this sheet music are traditional.

Composer Traditional
Author Traditional
Collected by Per Kentel
Typeset Breizh Partitions
Origin EuropeEurope > FranceFrance > BrittanyBrittany > Country of VannesCountry of Vannes
Kind Air
Instruments Violin, Vocals
Key signature E minor
Rythm 6/8, 9/8, 6/8
Tempo ♩.=80
Downloaded 31310
License Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Creative Commons BY-NC-SA


You can download this free sheet music for the violin and Vocals below:

Format Download Weight
pdf An_hini_a_garan.pdf  77.70 KiB
LilyPond  2.84 KiB
midi An_hini_a_garan.mid  1000 bytes
txt An_hini_a_garan.txt  581 bytes


An hini a garan - 1
An hini a garan
(Air traditionnel vannetais)

An hini a garan, gwechall bihan er gêr
Pa oamp tostig an eil, an eil ouzh egile
Va c’halon ne gare, gare nemet unan
Pa oan bihan er gêr an hini a garan

An hini a garan, ’m eus kollet da viken
’Mañ degouezhet pell ha ne zistroio ken
Ha setu ma kanan, kanan keti ketañ
Ha setu ma kanan d’an hini a garan

An hini a garan, un deiz ’n eus va losket
Aet eo d’ar broioù pell, d’ur vro n’an’vezan ket
Aet eo d’ar broioù pell da c’hounit e vara
Kollet, kollet un deiz, an hini a garan

Breizh Partitions

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