Title |
Composer |
Instruments |
Origin |
Kind |
abc |
gif |
jpg |
midi |
MP3 |
MuseScore |
nwc |
pdf |
png |
Ridée six belles |
Patrick Duplenne |
Clarinet, bass clarinet |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (D minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Ridée six temps |
Patrick Duplenne |
Bombarde, saxophone, clarinet |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (C minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Ridée six temps Fépamongars |
Patrick Duplenne |
Clarinet, violin |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (A minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Ridée six thèmes métrique |
Patrick Duplenne |
Accordion, trombone |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (G minor, D minor, E minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Ridées 2004 |
Traditional |
Great Highland bagpipe |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (E♭ major) |
jpg |
Ridées 6 |
Stéven Le Nahélec |
Bombarde, bombarde in F, Great Highland bagpipe |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (B♭ minor) |
midi |
nwc |
pdf |
Riz dé en bulle |
Patrick Duplenne |
2 clarinets |
Country of Vannes |
Laridenn 6 (G minor, D minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Robardig |
Traditional |
Bombarde, Great Highland bagpipe |
Trégor |
Lied (C minor) |
jpg |
Rond de la trêve de Peillac |
Patrick Duplenne |
Saxophone |
Gallo-vannetais |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (D minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rond de Landéda |
Traditional |
Flute |
Country of Bas-Léon |
Rond de Landéda (G majeur) |
abc |
gif |
Rond de Landeda |
Traditional |
Violin |
Country of Léon |
Rond de Landéda (D major) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rond de Saint Vincent |
Traditional and Erwan Nicolazik |
Bombarde, Great Highland bagpipe |
Gallo-vannetais |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (F minor, C minor, B♭ major) |
pdf |
Rond de Saint Vincent |
Traditional |
Violin |
Gallo-vannetais |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (A minor, G majeur) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rond de Saint Vincent Mildolar |
Patrick Duplenne |
Clarinet, violin |
Brittany |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (A minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rond de Saint Vincent Pernimer |
Patrick Duplenne |
Clarinet, violin |
Gallo-vannetais |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (D minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rond de Saint-Vincent vin ni eau |
Patrick Duplenne |
Saxophone |
Gallo-vannetais |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (G minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rond paludier |
Traditional |
Clarinet |
Country of Nantes |
Rond paludier (G minor, B♭ minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Ronde (Île de Batz) |
Traditional |
Violin |
Country of Léon |
Ronde de l’île de Batz (G majeur) |
abc |
gif |
Ronde (Île de Molène) |
Traditional |
Flute |
Country of Bas-Léon |
Rond de l’île de Molène (D major) |
abc |
gif |
Ronde aux trois pas |
Traditional |
Violin |
Country of Léon |
Ronde aux trois pas du Léon (D major) |
abc |
gif |
Ronde on est Doust |
Patrick Duplenne |
Oboe, violin |
Gallo-vannetais |
Rond de Saint-Vincent (A minor, E minor) |
midi |
MP3 |
pdf |
Rondes |
Traditional |
Bombarde, binioù-koz |
Country of Plestin |
Dance (B♭ major) |
MP3 |
MuseScore |
pdf |
Ronds de Loudéac |
Traditional |
Bombarde, Great Highland bagpipe |
Loudéac |
Rond de Loudéac (C minor) |
midi |
nwc |
pdf |
Ronds de Loudéac |
Traditional |
Bombarde |
Loudéac |
Rond de Loudéac (C minor, F majeur, B♭ major) |
png |
Ronds Paludiers |
Traditional |
Bombarde, Great Highland bagpipe |
Country of Nantes |
Rond paludier (B♭ major) |
midi |
MP3 |
nwc |
pdf |