Once Again, O Blessed Time − Breizh Partitions

Breizh Partitions


Breizh Partitions

Once Again, O Blessed Time

Once Again, O Blessed Time》是为声乐和钢琴整理的圣诞歌曲乐谱。此乐谱来自英格兰。John Bacchus Dykes作曲(1870年前后)。

作曲 John Bacchus Dykes(1870年前后)
地区 欧洲欧洲 > 英国英国 > 英格兰英格兰
风格 圣诞歌曲
乐器 声乐(4)钢琴
调性 C大调
节拍 6/8
下载次数 15586
授权 自由艺术授权协议 自由艺术授权协议


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pdf Once_Again,_O_Blessed_Time.pdf  43.02 KiB
midi Once_Again,_O_Blessed_Time.mid  4.20 KiB
nwc Once_Again,_O_Blessed_Time.nwc  1.70 KiB
txt Once_Again,_O_Blessed_Time.txt  1.52 KiB


Once Again, O Blessed Time - 1 Once Again, O Blessed Time - 2
1. Once again, O blessed time,
Thankful hearts embrace thee;
If we lost thy festal chime,
What could e’er replace thee?
What could e’er replace thee?
Change will darken many a day,
Many a bond dissever;
Many a joy shall pass away,
But the “Great Joy” never!

2. Once again the Holy Night
Breathes its blessing tender;
Once again the Manger Light
Sheds its gentle splendour;
Sheds its gentle splendour.
Oh! could tongues by Angels taught
Speak our exultation
In the Virgin’s Child that brought
All mankind Salvation?

3. Welcome Thou to souls athirst,
Fount of endless pleasure:
Gates of Hell May do their worse,
While we clasp our Treasure:
While we clasp our Treasure.
Welcome, though an age like this
Puts Thy Name on trial,
And the Truth that makes our bliss
Pleads against denial!

4. Yea, if others stand apart,
We will press the nearer:
Yea, O best fraternal Heart,
We will hold Thee dearer:
We will hold Thee dearer.
Faithful lips shall answer thus
To all faithless scorning,
“Jesus Christ is God with us,
Born on Christmas morning.”

5. So we yield Thee all we can,
Worship, thanks, and blessing;
Thee true God, and Thee true Man,
On our knees confessing,
On our knees confessing.
While Thy Birth-day morn we greet
With our best devotion,
Bathe us, O most true and sweet!
In Thy Mercy’s ocean.

6. Thou that once, ’mid stable cold,
Wast in babe-clothes lying,
Thou whose Alter-veils enfold
Power and Life undying,
Thou whose Love bestows a worth
On each poor endeavour,
Have Thou joy of this Thy Birth
In our praise for ever.

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