Oats and Beans − Breizh Partitions

Breizh Partitions


Breizh Partitions

Oats and Beans

Oats and Beans》是为声乐和钢琴整理的歌曲乐谱。此乐谱来自英格兰。此曲为传统音乐。

作曲 传统
地区 欧洲欧洲 > 英国英国 > 英格兰英格兰
风格 歌曲
乐器 声乐钢琴
调性 C大调
节拍 6/8
下载次数 21187
授权 公有领域 公有领域


格式 下载 大小
pdf Oats_and_Beans.pdf  49.63 KiB
midi Oats_and_Beans.mid  1.53 KiB
LilyPond Oats_and_Beans.ly  4.30 KiB
txt Oats_and_Beans.txt  487 字节


Oats and Beans - 1
Oats and beans and barley grows,
As you and I and every one knows,
Oats and beans and barley grows,
As you and I and every one knows,
Waiting for the partner.

First the farmer sows his seed,
Then he stands and takes his ease,
Stamps his feet and claps his hands,
And turns him round to view his lands,
Waiting for the partner.

Now you’re married you must obey,
Must be true in all you say,
Must be kind and must be good,
And help your wife to chop the wood,
Waiting for the partner.

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